Artificial Teeth

What is the Artificial Teeth treatment?

Artificial teeth or dentures are the replacement for missing teeth and its surrounding tissues which are removable. There are two types of dentures which are available. One is complete dentures and the other one is partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when someone has lost all his/her teeth. On the other hand, partial dentures are a replacement for a few missing teeth.

Complete dentures can either be “immediate” or “conventional”. These are made after the remaining rotten or damaged teeth have been completely removed and the gum tissue has started to heal. This happens after a period of 8 to 12 weeks after the removal of teeth.

Immediate dentures are quite different from that of conventional dentures. These are made in advance and are positioned immediately after the removal of teeth. As the result, the one who has to wear the artificial teeth does not have to be without teeth during the healing period.

Partial dentures or bridge are replacement teeth attached to a gum-colored or a pink plastic base. At times this is connected by a metal framework which holds the dentures intact in the mouth. When there is one or more natural teeth remaining in the upper or lower jaw that is the time you need partial dentures.